Advanced Membership Program

$115/Month September-May

Have You already signed up for Advanced Membership and chosen your topics? If not, create your login and payment by following the instructions below. If you have already created your login in and payments, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and make sure you are registered for the topic(s) that interest you!

Here is what we will be doing for your first login:
You only have to do this once, then all you have to do is log in every time you want to view the content.
You will not have to enter payment after the first time because it will be an automatic renewal.

  1. The first thing is that you will need to create an account to be let in to the website. In your case, I am letting you in to the website now, in order to be able to create that account. Scroll down to see the Sign up Button. This new account will be your login. You will likely need a new password if you already have an account (it made me do that).

  2. Second, you will need to enter your credit card payment into the secure encrypted payment portal. You will be automatically charged one month in advance for each of the 10 months of the membership. Therefore, the August payment will be for September etc. There is no way you will be charged for the extra months, because the system is set up to take the 10 payments and then finish. If you need to cancel the membership, you must give 30 day advanced notice. But be careful, as your spot will be offered to the next person on the waiting list, and I DO have a waiting list. The payments will stop the month following the notice given.

  3. Once you are a member, you will then scroll to the topics and RSVP for the topics you choose. You can RSVP for any or all of the topics up to one week before the topic is offered. This will insure I have enough of the proper materials needed for your topic . On the registration page, there will be a list of materials needed for that topic. The lists are not all complete for all of the topics yet, but will be soon. No money is charged in the RSVP as the price is set to $0.00 for members.

Metalsmith Jewelry Community

It all begins with an invitation. Then it is followed up with topics that will stretch your metalsmithing skills. Some topics will be project based while others will build a particular skill. Some topics will help you to design while others will help you to build your studio and perhaps your business if you so choose. But only a few get to be invited because they are ready, and that person is YOU!

Scroll Down to See all Topics Offered and for RSVP to Attend the Classes. You must RSVP to attend the topics of interest!

Members Only Discount for Topic Plus Benchtimes each month

As a member, you will receive one 3-hour project base workshop each month, plus 3 additional bench times to practice or work on your own projects. Instructor is on-site for a second 3 hours to answer topic questions…

You will have access to content on this website only for members. Some are secrets of the trade and will help you elevate your jewelry designs to a new level.

Advanced Membership SilverSpiral Creations
For 9 months

You are invited to join our Advanced Community of Metalsmiths at SilverSpiral Creations Studios beginning in September and ending May 31st. The cost per month is $115.00 and includes 1 advanced topic, 1 help session and 2 bench times each month. You will get new information that will elevate your designs to a brand new level!

Discounts for Volunteer Bench Monitoring

Become a Bench Time Monitor and receive $35 off your Monthly Membership for each Monitoring time you do!

You must apply in person to Lynne Patnode in order to be a monitor. Monitors must have at lease 2 years of experience in the silverspiral creations studios, and must be willing to monitor for safety, rule following and insuring the proper opening and closing of the studio. The Monitor must also agree to serve customers who may enter the shop during bench time activities.

Monitors DO NOT TEACH in the studio. A monitor’s role is to insure proper safety and use of tools, and must be comfortable in addressing safety concerns with fellow students using the studio. Monitors also close down and insure the studio is as clean after benchtime as when they opened. Monitors will also insure the studio is secured (locked) at the end of the session, and will follow all rules of Whiting Mills Managers.

Monitor Benchtime Advanced Student Plan
For 9 months

Same as advanced member plan with the $35 discount for agreeing to monitor 1 bench time per month.

Are you already registered? Scroll Down to See all Topics Offered and for RSVP to Attend the Classes. You must RSVP to attend the topics of interest!

What’s included:

As a Member, you will receive one 3-hour topic per month (Valued at $200.)

3 Additional Bench times per month at no charge ($75.00 Value)

A chance for further discount by becoming a Bench Monitor (you must apply to be accepted)

Topic Discussions online and in-person Plus Tips of the Trade

5% Discount on other workshops offered at SilverSpiral Creations

Upcoming Topics

  • Topic 1--Finding Your Voice in Jewelry Design

    WEDNESDAY 9/4/2024 1PM-4PM


    THURSDAY 9/5/2024 5:30-8:30 PM

    It all begins with an idea. You can’t stop thinking about it, but you have difficulty implementing the design that is in your head. Jewelry design includes engineering to make your design work. We will explore what sets each of us apart in our jewelry design, and the engineering strategies to implement those designs as you imagine.

  • Topic 2--Using Texture and Patina to Create Depth in Your Jewelry Design

    WEDNESDAY 10/2/2024 1PM-4PM


    THURSDAY 10/3/2024 5:30-8:30 PM

    Did you know that you can create depth or a layering effect using texture and patinas? We will cover ways to use a variety of textures and patinas to create new illusions in your jewelry design.

  • Topic 3--Understanding the Metal--Enriching Sterling Silver for Fusing and Reticulation

    WEDNESDAY 10/6/2024 1PM-4PM


    THURSDAY 10/7/2024 5:30-8:30 PM

    Did you know that Sterling Silver can actually be used to fuse? You do not need to always revert to fine silver or argentium silver to fuse granules or to reticulate silver. Learn about the behavior of sterling silver in heat and use it to benefit your designing.

  • Topic 4 Tips and Tricks for the Advanced Jeweler

    There are so many gadgets, tools and Idas that will make your work ris above the rest, that nobody teaches you in classes, until now. I will show you many of the little things you can do that will just make you say “brilliant!, Why didn’t I think of that!?!” But shhhhhhh! It will be our littl secret!

  • TOPIC 5 --The Artistic Bail

    You design a great pendant or pair of earrings—but do you know how it is going to hang? Th esthetic of the bail can be as important as the main design—how will you complement the two? What are some great design ideas and elements you should consider? Let’s Talk!

  • TOPIC 6--The Art of Creating Links for Bracelets and Chains

    So you know how to make chain, you know how to make bracelets, but do you know how to make face links for a chain or bracelet design? I havg some ideas, demos and tricks I can show you!

  • To Be Determined

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  • To Be Determined

    Description goes here
  • To Be Determined

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  • Our advanced membership is available to students who have taken several sessions at the intermediate level and have full confidence in their metal fabrication skills. These are students who work independently and are ready to go to the next level to elevate their skill building and design development. Advanced Membership is by invitation only.

  • The membership is for 10 months, however you may cancel anytime. You will pay monthly for membership that continues from September to May. If you choose to leave the membership, you must understand that your spot is opened up to the next person on the waiting list for the program and re-entry may not be possible until a new space opens up. Membership is limited to 10 for the day class and 10 for the evening class.

  • You are not required to attend the topics if you don't want to. We do ask that when the topic is being presented, you are there for the topic and are not distracting from the class or the instructor for the topic on that day.

  • Most topics have requirements for types of metal, supplies or other tools that are not carried by the studio. A list of required materials are published in advance, and students are given time to obtain necessary materials. The studio may have a few extra tools on hand for temporary use if you cannot for whatever reason, obtain the tools or materials you need. At the advanced level, we expect you have the desire to add to your metalsmithing "tool box" and that you have the desire to upgrade your metalsmith skills and become a part of the community of creators.